Bin Collections: Bins not collected due to the icy conditions should be left presented for collection and our teams will try to collect them as soon as possible.
Details of missed collections are published on our Bin Collection Disruption page.

Onsite Facilities

We have a number of Onsite Facilities at Carnfunnock including:

Education Centre
Tweed's Port Slipway - (see below)
Places to Eat
Touring Caravan Park and Camp Site
Toilet Facilities - (see below)

Tweed's Port Slipway

The Carnfunnock Bay slipway has historically provided private sea access for over 100 years and was originally constructed by the owners of Cairndhu House. 

Regular club users include Cairndhu Rowing Club, Larne Sea Cadets and a few local diving clubs.

The bay’s location is advantageous for water sports as the tide flows straight past the bay resulting in no swell on the slipway and a quiet sheltered stretch of water for water sports. 

The water depth in the bay rises significantly at high tide which gives sufficient depth for most water sports including small rowing boats. 

Although Carnfunnock Bay is classified as open sea it has good access to the emergency rescue services as there has been a dedicated National Lifeboat Station launching from Larne Harbour into the waters of East Antrim and the North Channel since 1994.

Please note: 

  1. Carnfunnock slipway is not suitable for deep heeled yachts and there is a height restriction barrier present to restrict access to the site.

    However there are other local harbours and slipways which specifically cater for the launching of larger boats e.g. Glenarm, Carnlough, Ballylumford, Ballygally.
  2. No payment is charged for use of the Carnfunnock slipway and anyone launching does so at their own risk.

Toilet Facilities

There are public toilets located in the Visitor Centre and to the rear of the Activity Centre. 

There is also a Changin Places toilet facility.

Both buildings contain accessible toilets and baby changing facilities.

Toilets are open all year round excluding Christmas Day.

There are also toilet facilities available within Drains Bay and Ballygally.