
The powers, functions and responsibilities of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.
A copy of the information published below is also available as a downloadable pdf.
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council has agreed a constitution which sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.
The constitution is divided into 13 articles which set out the basic rules governing the Council’s business. More detailed procedures and codes of practice are provided in separate rules and protocols at Parts 2 to 6 of the Constitution.
What’s in the Constitution?
Article 1 of the Constitution sets out the purpose of the Constitution. Articles 2 – 13 explain how the key parts of the Council operate, and the rights of citizens.
These Articles are:
Article 1 |
The Constitution |
Article 2 |
Members of the Council |
Article 3 |
Citizens and the Council |
Article 4 |
The Council |
Article 5 |
Chairing the Council |
Article 6 |
Decision–making structures |
Article 7 |
Committees |
Article 8 |
Joint Arrangements |
Article 9 |
Officers |
Article 10 |
Procedures for decision-making |
Article 11 |
Finance, Contracts and Legal Matters |
Article 12 |
Review and Review of the Constitution |
Article 13 |
Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution |
How the Council operates
The Council is composed of 40 councillors elected every four years.
Councillors have to agree to follow a Code of Conduct to ensure high standards in the way they undertake their duties. The Code of Conduct for Members is set out at Part 4, Annex J of the Constitution.
All 40 councillors meet together as the Council at least once a month. Meetings of the Council are normally open to the public.
How decisions are made
The Council’s Staff
Citizens’ Rights
- Contact their local councillor about any matters of concern to them;
- Obtain a copy of the Constitution;
- Attend meetings of the Council and its committees and public meetings except where, for example, personal or confidential matters are being discussed;
- Inspect agendas and reports except those which contain, for example, personal and confidential matters;
- See reports and background papers, and any record of decisions made by the Council and it’s Committees;
- Exercise their rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 to obtain information held by the Council;
- Complain to the Council under the Council’s own complaints process;
- Complain to the Commissioner of Complaints if they think the Council has not followed its procedures properly. However, they should only do this after using the Council’s own complaints process;
- Complain to the Commissioner of Complaints if they believe a Councillor has breached the Councillors’ Code of Conduct;
- Inspect the Council’s accounts and make their views known to the Local Government Auditor.
1.1 Powers of the Council
1.2 The Constitution
1.3 Purpose of the Constitution
a) enable the Council to provide clear leadership to the community in
partnership with citizens, businesses and other organisations;
b) support the active involvement of citizens in the process of local authority decision making;
c) help councillors represent their constituents more effectively;
d) enable decisions to be taken efficiently and effectively;
e) create a powerful and effective means of holding decision-makers to
public account;
f) ensure that no one will review or scrutinise a decision in which they were directly involved;
g) ensure that those responsible for decision making are clearly identifiable to local people and that they explain the reasons for decisions; and
h) provide a means of improving the delivery of services to the community.
1.4 Interpretation and Review of the Constitution
2.1 Composition and eligibility
The Council comprises 40 elected members, otherwise called councillors. The councillors are elected by the voters of each district electoral ward in accordance with a scheme drawn up by Electoral Office for Northern Ireland.
Only registered voters of the area or those living or working in the area, are eligible to hold the office of councillor.
2.2 Appointment of Aldermen of Council
2.3 Election and terms of councillors
The regular election of councillors will be held on the first Thursday in May every four years. The next local election is scheduled to be held in 2027. The term of office of councillors will start on the fourth day after being elected and will finish on the fourth day after the date of the next regular election.
2.4 Roles and functions of all councillors
a) Collectively be the ultimate policy-makers and carry out a number of strategic and corporate management functions;
b) Bring views of their communities into the Council's decision-making process;
c) Effectively represent the interests of their ward and of individual constituents;
d) Deal with individual casework and act as an advocate for constituents in resolving particular concerns or grievances;
e) Respond to constituents' enquiries and representations, fairly and impartially;
f) Participate in the governance and management of the Council;
g) Be available to represent the Council on other bodies; and
h) Maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics.
a) Councillors will have such rights of access to such documents, information, land and buildings of the Council as are necessary for the proper discharge of their functions and in accordance with the law.
b) Councillors will not make public information which is confidential or exempt without the consent of the Council or divulge information given in confidence to anyone other than a councillor or officer entitled to know it.
c) Subject to the Code of Conduct for Members, the common law rule against bias and the Council Procedure Rules, councillors have a right to speak and vote on any item before the Council and councillors who are members of a committee have a right to speak and vote on any item before that committee.
i. For these purposes, "confidential" and "exempt" information are defined in the Access to Information Rules in Part 4 of this Constitution.
2.5 Conduct
Councillors will at all times observe the Code of Conduct for Members set out in Part 4, Annex I of this Constitution.
2.6 Allowances
Councillors will be entitled to receive allowances in accordance with the Members Allowance Scheme, outlined in Part 5 of this Constitution.
3.1 Citizens' rights
Residents and others who avail of the Council’s services have the following rights in relation to the operation of the Council. Their rights to information and to attend meetings of the Council or its committees are explained in more details in the Access to Information Rules in Part 4 of this Constitution.
3.2 Information
Citizens have the right to:
a) Attend meetings of the Council and its committees except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed, and the meeting is therefore held in private;
b) See reports and background papers (except where confidential or exempt), and any records of decisions made by the Council;
c) Inspect the Council's accounts and make their views known to the Local Government Auditor; and
d) Exercise their rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 to obtain information held by the Council.
3.3 Complaints
Citizens have the right to complain to:
a) The Council itself under its complaints, comments and compliments scheme;
b) The Northern Ireland Commissioner of Complaints after using the Council's own complaints, comments and compliments scheme;
c) The Northern Ireland Commissioner of Complaints in respect of an allegation that a councillor (or former councillor) has failed, or may have failed, to comply with the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors.
3.4 Citizens' responsibilities
Citizens must not be violent, abusing or threatening to councillors or officers and must not wilfully harm things owned by the Council, councillors or officers.
4.1 Meanings
Policy Framework
Those plans and strategies prescribed in legislation to be adopted by the Council; and other plans and strategies, which Council may decide to adopt as a matter of choice.
Community Plan - 15-year strategic plan |
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Corporate Plan - 4-year strategic plan |
⇒ |
Performance Improvement Plan - Annual improvement plan |
⇔ |
Annual Business Plan |
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Employee Personal Development Plan - Annual plan linked to work objectives & learning & development needs |
The budget includes the allocation of financial resources to different services and projects, proposed contingency funds, the council rate base, setting the district rate and decisions relating to the control of the Council’s borrowing requirement, the control of its capital expenditure and the setting of virement limits.
4.2 Functions of the Council
The roles and responsibilities of councils, established in the Local Government Act 2014 and in other legislation, fall into four types:
Direct – councils are responsible for the provision and management of services
Development – councils have a role in facilitating economic and community development initiatives
4.3 Council meetings
a) The annual meeting
b) Ordinary meetings
c) Extraordinary meetings
4.4 Responsibility for functions
The Council will maintain Part 2 of this Constitution setting out the responsibilities of the Council’s functions.
5.1 The Mayor and in his/her absence, the Deputy Mayor will have the following roles and functions:
a) To uphold and promote the purposes of the Constitution;
b) To preside over meetings of the Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and with regard to the rights of councillors and the interests of the community;
c) To endeavour to ensure that the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community;
d) To promote public involvement in the Council's activities; and
e) To attend such civic and ceremonial functions as the Council and he/she determines appropriate.
5.2 The Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be elected annually at the Annual Meeting of the Council, along with Chair, Vice Chair of Committees and Committee Members.
6.1 The Council has determined to operate a committee system as permitted by Section 19 Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014
6.2 Proceedings of the committees shall take place in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders set out in Part 3 of this Constitution.
- Policy and Resources Committee
- Borough Growth Committee
- Direct Services Committee
- Planning Committee
- Audit and Scrutiny Committee
9.2 Functions of the clerk to the Council
9.3 Functions of the chief financial officer
9.4 Duty to provide sufficient resources to the chief financial officer
9.5 Conduct
10.1 Responsibility for decision making
10.2 Principles of decision making
a) Proportionality (meaning the action must be proportionate to the results to be achieved);
b) Due consultation (including the taking of relevant professional advice);
c) Respect for human rights, equality and fairness;
d) Presumption in favour of openness;
e) Clarity of aims and desired outcomes;
f) Due consideration to be given to alternative options;
g) Reasons for the decisions to be given provided there is no breach of confidentiality.
10.3 Decisions to be taken by a qualified majority
10.4 Decision-making by the Council
10.5 Decision-making by other committees established by the Council
10.6 Reconsideration of decisions
i. that the decision was not arrived at after a proper consideration of the relevant facts and issues;
ii. that the decision would disproportionately affect adversely any section of the inhabitants of the district.
11.1 Financial management
11.2 Contracts
11.3 Legal proceedings by and against the Council
11.4 Authentication of documents
11.5 Common Seal of the Council
12.1 Duty to keep the Constitution up to date
12.2 Changes to the Constitution
13.1 Suspension of the Constitution
13.2 Procedure to suspend
13.3 Procedure Rules capable of suspension
13.4 Interpretation
13.5 Publication
Part 2 – Responsibility for Functions
As set out in Annex D.
Details of any joint committees established by Council
Details of the scheme for delegating decisions to committees and officers.
Part 3 – Rules of Procedure
The rules relating to access to council information for members of the Council and members of the public as provided for in relevant legislation.
Details of how the budget and policy framework is developed and operated.
The rules of debate and procedure for the conduct of meetings of full Council, indicating also where these rules apply to committee and sub-committee meetings.
The Finance Policy Manual and Procurement Policy. (Finance Policy Manual and Procurement Policy)
Part 4 – Codes and Protocols
The Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors issued under section 53 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Code of Conduct for Officers issued under section 40 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972. (Employee Code of Conduct)
The Local Government Employee and Councillor Working Relationship Protocol issued by the Department of the Environment