Disability Action Plan 2023-2027 - Appendix A
Appendix A
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s responsibilities are as follows:
- Access to information
- Arts and Entertainment
- Biodiversity
- Building maintenance and contract management
- Building regulation
- Civic functions
- Community Development
- Community Safety
- Consumer Safety
- Control of communicable diseases and food poisoning
- Corporate Health and Safety
- Corporate Planning
- Corporate projects
- Dangerous buildings
- Dog and Pest Control
- Economic Development including local economic development, Start a Business Programme and Enterprise Shows, Youth Entrepreneurship
- Emergency Planning liaison
- Energy performance of buildings
- Environment and Countryside
- Environmental protection
- Equality legislation
- Estate management
- EU Rural Development Programme
- Financial Services
- Food control
- Good Relations
- Grounds maintenance – including horticulture, cemeteries, parks and play areas
- Health and Safety
- Home Safety
- Housing
- Registration of houses in multiple occupation, housing unfitness responsibilities including repair and demolition notices
- Information systems and technology
- Internal Audit
- Leisure Facilities
- Licensing
- Local Tourism including small scale tourism accommodation development; providing business support including business start up advice along with training and delivery of customer care schemes, and providing advice to developers on tourism policies and related issues
- Member services
- Museum Service
- Neighbourhood renewal – enterprise initiatives
- Off street carparking
- Parks and Open spaces
- PCSP – Policing and Community Safety Partnership
- Personnel, training and development
- Planning- to include: local development plan functions, development control and enforcement, postal naming and numbering;
- Property certificates
- Public Health
- Policy development
- Purchasing and Tendering
- Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Sports Development
- Street cleansing – including public conveniences
- Sustainable Development
- Tourism and visitor attractions
- Town Hall facilities
- Urban regeneration and community development including functions associated with physical development
- Vehicle and plant maintenance
- Waste Management –including Recycling & Disposal