Religious belief |
- Protestant and other Christian religions comprise the majority within MEA Borough, at 58% compared to 17% Catholic.
- Overall, Northern Ireland figures record a majority Catholic citizens, however, this does not apply to MEA Borough.
Northern Ireland Census Comparison figures show
42% are Catholic
37% are Protestant and other
17% indicated No religion
And 1% are Other
2011 – 2021 Census Comparison
- Protestant and Other Christian citizens numbers have fallen by 5% within MEA Borough which was 63% in 2011 and decreased to 58% in 2021
- Catholic and Other remain unchanged at 17% Catholic and Other at 1%
- No religion increased by 6%, from 19% in 2011 to 24% in 2021 and may account for the decline in Protestant and Other numbers
Political opinion |
Local Government Elections took place in May 2023. The Borough’s political opinion weighting is as follows for each Party:
Democratic Unionist Party
Is 30.9% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is -1.1%
Ulster Unionist Party
Is 7.3% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is -0.9%
Is18.9% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is +3.1%
Traditional Unionist Voice
Is15.9% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is +0.7%
Sinn Fein
Is 9.3% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is +2.9%
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Is 2.0% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is +0.2%
Is 0.9% in MEA Borough
Change since 2019 is +0.4%
Is 4.7% in MEA Borough
No change since 2019
Racial group |
2021 Census
Northern Ireland Census 2021
96.55% indicated White in Northern Ireland
97.78% indicated White in MEA Borough
3.45% indicated Other or None recorded in Northern Ireland
2.22% indicated Other or None recorded in MEA Borough
2011 – 2021 Census Comparison
1% increase in white with a 1% decrease in other.
Age |
- The majority age range in MEA borough is 40-64 (34%), seconded by the 15-39 age range (29%)
- 63% of the borough is represented by the 15 to 64 age range.
NI Census 2021
Age group 0-14
19.19% in Northern Ireland
And 17.14% in MEA Borough
Age group
31.23% in Northern Ireland
And 28.65% in MEA Borough
Age group 40-64
32.43% in Northern Ireland
And 34.27% in MEA Borough
Age group 65+
17.15% in Northern Ireland
And 19.67% in MEA Borough
Mid and East Antrim Borough
2011 – 2021 Census
Age group 0-14
2011 was 17%
2021 was 18%
Age group
2011 was 29%
2021 was 31%
Age group 40-64
2011 was 34%
2021 was 34%
Age group 65+
2011 was 20%
2021 was 17%
- Ages 15 to 39 increased by 3%, and the 65+ population fell by 3%.
- It was predicted in 2011 that the 65+ age group would grow 41% by 2030, however, it has fallen in the last 10 years. The impact of the Covid pandemic is a possible explanation, during which time, those aged over 65 were at most risk.
Marital status
- Since 2011 (Census), there has been changes in the marital status of Mid and East Antrim residents.
- MEA borough has a higher proportion of married residents compared to Northern Ireland figures.
The number of residents who are single, in a civil partnership or divorced, has risen. The number of residents married, separated, or widowed has fallen.
NI Census 2021
Northern Ireland 38.07%
Mid and East Antrim Borough
Northern Ireland 45.59%
Mid and East Antrim Borough
Civil Partnership
Northern Ireland 0.18%
Mid and East Antrim Borough
Northern Ireland 3.78%
Mid and East Antrim Borough
Northern Ireland 6.02%
Mid and East Antrim Borough
Northern Ireland 6.36%
Mid and East Antrim Borough