Climate / Sustainability / Environment Reporting

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Council Delivery on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG)

UN SDG 1 – No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere

  • Progression of actions in MEA Corporate Plan 2019 – 2023
    • Preparation of Draft Corporate Plan 2023-27 (and more recently the one year 2023-24 Corporate Plan)
  • Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership (MEALMP) progression
    • SP2.1 Women Returners Outreach, Confidence and Capacity Building
    • SP2.2 Ethnic Minority Employability and Outreach Activities
    • SP2.3 Women into non-traditional skills academy
    • SP2.4 Flex – engagement programme
    • SP2.5 Community skills grants and localised skills development
    • SP2.6 Enterprise Pathways
    • SP2.7 Construction Skills Academies
    • SP2.8 Classroom Assistant Academy
    • SP2.9 Hospitality and Tourism Academy
    • SP2.10 Childminding – partnership project with NICMA and NHSCT
    • SP2.11 Access All Areas
    • SP2.12 Bespoke disability service industry academy
    • SP2.13 Transport Academy
    • SP2.14 Engineering Academy
    • SP2.15 Cleantech Academy
    • SP2.16 Pilot a BRCD public sector apprenticeship.
    • SP2.17 Health Administration Academy
    • SP2.18 Support Services and Homecare Academy
    • SP3.1 Job Fairs and Events
    • SP3.2 Science Summer School NI Innovation Platform
    • SP3.3 Hospitality Takeover and Cleantech Takeover Days
    • SP3.4 NI Apprenticeship Week 2024
  • Progression of Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD)
  • Progression of actions in the MEA Community Plan
    • Enforcement on fly-tipping
    • Establishment of 3 Community Fridges
    • Support to develop St Patricks Barrack social housing with Radius Planning
  • Continued Environmental Health programmes.
    • Energy efficiency in homes
    • Sew efficient programme and slow energy efficient programme air fryer lending programme
    • Heater lending programme
    • Fibre broadband roll-out programme progressing
  • Climate Change Sub-Committee meetings ongoing
  • Progression of actions in the Climate & Sustainability Action Plan 2023-27
    • Progression with Climate Resilience toolkit – plans to implement in 2024
  • SEFA scheme ongoing to support families who’ve been impacted by extreme weather e.g. flooding
    • Regional Community Resilience Group (RCRG) emergency scenarios testing ongoing
  • H&S review of Council buildings ongoing

UN SDG 2 – Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

  • Delivery of the Community Plan.
  • Progression of Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award application.
  • MEA Schools Growing Club planned for early 2024.
  • Batch cooking resources provision ongoing.
  • Grow Your Own education programme ongoing throughout year.
  • Foraging walks scheduled throughout the year.
  • Agri-food Demonstrator Programme (low uptake)
    • stall at Balmoral Show planned for 2024.
    • MEA Food and Drink Network established.
  • North Channel Food Action Programme progressing.
  • Business Growth Team continue to deliver business growth mentoring and advice incl. food and hospitality sector.  
  • Food Waste Prevention Comms Campaigns.

UN SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

  • NI Waste Management Strategy being prepared – Council officers have had engagement through dedicated workshops in 2023.
  • Cycle route masterplan is currently being reviewed.
  • Calorie wise Programme is ongoing.
  • Outdoor Recreation Strategy & 10-Year Action Plan being reviewed, with key milestones delivered.
  • Access to Our Coasts & Rivers Policy still being implemented.
  • Seasonal Activities Programme – this continues to be scheduled annually and delivered including Stand Up Paddleboarding.
  • Capital Projects
    • New Ballymena leisure centre is currently being designed to Passive House standard, ensuring sustainability is embedded early on.
  • Staff health checks being carried out in 2023 and into 2024.
  • Arts and Wellbeing programme continuing.
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing Action Plan: plan being delivered.
  • Corporate Health and Safety Policy: 
    • Promotion of Mental Health & Wellbeing including ‘Shoctober’.
  • A new resource is available for staff called ‘Stay Well at MEA’ which has links to external providers who can provide support on mental health and wellbeing on life issues ranging from family matters to financial concerns.
  • Corporate Health and Safety Policy
    • An update to the Personal Safety at Work Policy around verbal and physical abuse to staff by members of the public has been updated.
  • Delivery of actions in the MEA Policing & Community Safety Partnership Action Plan (2023/24).
  • Air Quality Management is an ongoing programme.
  • Contaminated Land Regime continues to be implemented.
  • Pollution Prevention & Control Regime continues to be implemented.
  • Ongoing staff surveys of mental health and wellbeing.

UN SDG 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • Community Plan actions continue to be delivered.
  • Ongoing student placement opportunities across many service areas. 
  • Ongoing work with the Summer Science School.
  • Sentinus STEM Schools Project continues to be offered to MEA schools.
  • Further and Higher Education Scheme continues to be offered to MEA staff.
  • Annual Student Exchange Programme with USA Sister Cities: An annual educational exchange with Sister City University and education-based groups for local students.  
  • Delivery of the Hydrogen Training Academy
    • 219 young people engaged via 5 #NIAW2023 ‘careers insight’ events.
  • Continued support for Apprenticeship Week.
  • Ongoing work with the Pre-Employment Academies.
  • iHASCO training ongoing programme offered to staff.
  • Personal Development Programme (PDP) ongoing and reviewed every 6 months with MEA staff.
  • Proposed LMP interventions to address Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in training / education programme ongoing.
  • Blue Flag (of coastal, marine and river areas) Programme ongoing.
  • Grow Your Own Programmes & Workshops and Schools Growing Clubs ongoing.
  • Biodiversity University: continues to be delivered annually.
  • Forest Schools Programme: continues to be delivered annually.
  • Biodiversity University ongoing each Summer.
  • Educational Tours in Waste Operations: these continue to be scheduled.
  • Eco Schools Programme ongoing annually.
  • Wild about Wellbeing Project Within Arts and Culture continuing to be delivered.
  • Hydrogen Training Academy established with provision of skills training to 193 trainees from across private and public sectors between December 2021 and March 2023. 
  • Training included:
    • L5 Train the Trainer in Know Hy Hydrogen Fuel Cells
    • Level 3 in Hydrogen Technologies and Applications (Fuel Cells and H2 Gas Safe units)
    • Swagelok Pipe Fitting
    • Gas Management
    • H2 Gas Safe Lab Practical Training.

UN SDG 5 – Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

  • Workplace Policy on Domestic Violence and Abuse
    • ongoing implementation and support.
  • Equality Scheme and Equality Screening work ongoing.
  • Arts and Culture produced through the museums service.
  • MEA Enterprising Women’s Network continues to grow and now comprises 144 members.
  • International Day of the Girl annual arts programme
    • annual education and support programme with local schools.
  • Science Summer School & associated outreach programmes
  • SENTINUS STEM Schools Projects continue to be delivered.

UN SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

  • MEA Health & Safety Plans reviewed and further developed.
  • Ongoing Enforcement activities.
  • Wastewater Reduction Strategy continues to be implemented.
    • New Data Officer in post in May 2023 to help collate data, monitor, and identify wastewater sources.
  • Household Recycling Centres (HRCs), Bring Centres and Recycling facilities continue to operate this service to MEA residents.
    • The new Sullatober HRC opened in May 2023 offering a much-improved service.
  • Local Development Plan 2030
    • Draft Plan Strategy - work ongoing
    • Target date for adoption of the Plan Strategy is by December 2023.
  • Forest Service Small Woodland Grant Scheme
    • Council continues to promote this grant funding opportunity.
  • Designates Site network.
    • Council continues to manage lands under its remit for nature conservation with central government bodies.
  • Port Marine Safe Code (PMSC)
    • Council continues to comply with statutory requirements for good practice and environmental duty.
    • Ongoing Seaside Award Scheme.
  • TYHA 5 Gold Anchor Programme
    • Council continues to apply to this programme to ensure our marinas are up to standard.
  • Installation of Sea Bins
    • Council has not continued with this, as the sea bins kept failing.
  • Clean-Up Campaigns
    • Litter picking of coasts and rivers as part of "The Great British Clean-up”.
    • UK Beach Week
    • Clean Coasts Week.
  • Continued accreditation to ISO14001:2015 international standard for environmental protection.
  • Waste Management Strategy for NI ongoing input to help develop.
  • Household Recycling Centres and Bring Centres ongoing access to use.
  • Blue Flag Programme ongoing.

UN SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

  • Capital Projects
    • Council has teamed up with local universities and industry on the Hytech NI project. 
  • LED lighting project installations continue to be delivered across the Council estate.
  • ISO14001 Environmental Standards continue to be met.
  • Slow Energy Efficient programme.
  • Energy Detectives programme.
  • The new MEA Energy Policy has now been approved through Full Council and is being implemented.
  • Parks and Open Spaces trialled new electric powered hand tools for maintenance.
    • These are now being purchased for Carnfunnock Country Park, with a potential roll out across all Park’s sites.

UN SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  • Capital projects ongoing.
    • MEA obtained levelling-up funding in 2022.
    • Planning the following developments: St. Patricks Barracks and Carnfunnock Country Park.
  • Council also secured funding through the Belfast City Region Deal (BCRD)
    • Planning the below developments
    •  i4C Innovation and CleanTech Centre
    • Expansion at The Gobbins proposal
    • Carrickfergus Regeneration Project
  • MEA Food and Drink Network ongoing.
  • Economic Development staff at Balmoral Show.
  • Local Development Plan 2030
    • Draft Plan Strategy - work ongoing
    • target date for adoption of the Plan Strategy is by December 2023.
  • Labour Marketforce programme ongoing.
  • Go For It Programme
    • 208 participants completed ‘GFI’ in 22/23.
  • GFI to be replaced with ‘Enterprise Support Service’ from Oct 2023
    • New programme will support individuals at pre-start, start-up, and development.
    • Will prioritise those with ambitions to create employment and / or export.
  • Kickstart Programme has been replaced by ‘SPARK’.
    • Engaged 67 early-stage businesses in 2022/23.  
  • 9 individuals supported to test trade during 2022/23 Retail Programme.  
  • Business Escalator Programme
    • Continues to be rolled out.
  • Start-up in Retail Programme
    • Continues to be rolled out.
  • Circular Economy Social Enterprise Programme
    • Continues to be rolled out.
  • Four successful enterprises completed this in 2022.
  • Redundancy Response
    • Council continues to offer support and guidance.
  • European Social Fund Programme
    • 153 participants engaged on MEA supported ESF programmes during 2022/23.
  • ESF funding ceased 31/03/23.
  • ‘Enterprise Pathways’
    • LMP intervention that supports long term unemployed into self-employment.
    • In 2022/23, 13 of the 15 participants started their own business. 
  • The Creative Citizens Programme
    • A support programme for the community
    • Arts and creative sectors to support enhanced creativity and growth through skills development & access to opportunities.
  • Delivery of the MEA Energy Policy along with energy efficiency programme.
  • Community Health and Wellbeing Team delivery of range of programs
    • Slow Energy Efficient programme
    • Energy Detectives programme
  • Disability Action Plan
    • This has gone out as a public consultation in May 2023
    • The Plan will be implemented following consideration of responses.
  • Support for Student Placements
    • Science Summer School
    • Associated Outreach Programmes
    • Apprenticeship Week programmes all progressing.
    • Pre-employment Academies progressing.
  • Tourism Marketing Plan
    • MEA will review the Tourism NI strategy and develop its own strategy to align outcomes.

UN SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

  • Capital projects
    • MEA obtained levelling up funding in 2022.
    • planning the following developments: St. Patricks Barracks and Carnfunnock Country Park re-development.
  • Council also secured funding through the Belfast City Region Deal (BRCD)
    • Planning the below developments
    • i4C Innovation Centre
    • Expansion of The Gobbins
    • Carrick Public Realm development.
  • Sullatober HRC is now developed.
    • Opened to MEA residents in May 2022.
  • Enforcement Action
    • Granting of permits and licences is ongoing.
  • Route optimisation of bin collection routes 95% completed.
    • Went live in October 2023
    • As are routes to allow staff top to get used to the new technology.
  • Balmoral Show
    • This provides a platform for these businesses to showcase their products & brand.
    • Raise awareness of their product with a large NI consumer market base
    • An opportunity to meet buyers.
    • Learn from other businesses.
    • To test the opportunity
    • Build confidence to determine if they will go alone in future years at exhibitions.
  • MEA Food & Drink Network
    • Funding for the network available
    • This will focus on marketing capabilities, costing, sustainable brands, and collaboration.

UN SDG 10 – Reduce Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries.

  • European Social Fund Programmes
    • Pre-employment Academies
    • Redundancy Response
    • The Labour Market Partnership (LMP)
  • MEA Goods Relation Programme
    • continues to be delivered annually.
  • Commitment to the Equality Commission (NI) Mental Health Charter
    • Council is still committed to this charter.
  • Equality Scheme
    • Disability Action Plan
    • Equality Screening
    • Job Evaluation Scheme continue to be delivered.
  • Commitment to the Equality Commission (NI) Mental Health Charter
    • Mental Health Charter covers five commitments which aim to reduce inequalities in the workplace.
  • Equality Scheme, Disability Action Plan, Equality Screening, Job Evaluation Scheme and Rural Needs Impact Assessments work all ongoing.

UN SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

  • Local Development Plan 2030
    • Draft Plan Strategy - work ongoing
    • Target date for adoption of the Plan Strategy is by December 2023.
  • The 2021-2031 Investment Plan & Town Centre Strategies
    • Sets out an updated investment plan for the towns of Ballymena, Carrickfergus & Larne
    • Meeting the needs of citizens, those who work in the area and for those who visit.
  • Equality Scheme, Disability Action Plan and Rural Needs Impact Assessments ongoing. Climate Action Sub-Committee meetings ongoing.
  • Community Adaptation and Resilience Building through dedicated toolkit.
  • Air Quality Management
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Control Regime
  • Household Recycling Centres (HRC)
  • Bring Centres & Recycling Facilities
  • Food recycling campaigns.
  • Public Rights of Way
    • Council continues to deliver this function.
  • Access to the Countryside (NI) Order 1983
    • Council continues to deliver this function.
  • MEA Outdoor Recreation Strategy and 10-Year Action Plan
  • The 2021-2031 Investment Plan & Town Centre Strategies
    • sets out key priorities to develop green space and pop-up parks within each of the town centres.
  • Disability Action Plan being delivered.
  • MEA Emergency Plans
    • Continue to be reviewed and implemented.
  • Capital Works
    • Belfast City Region Deal (BCRD) are planning the below developments.
    • i4C Innovation and CleanTech Centre
    • Expansion at The Gobbins proposal
    • Carrickfergus Regeneration Project.

UN SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

  • BREEAM Building Standards
    • Capital Works and Regeneration teams.
    • Implementing sustainable design practices when designing new developments.
  • Sustainable practices
    • Implemented in the operational phase of new developments.
  • Wastewater Reduction Strategy and MEA Energy Policy being delivered.
  • Internal Recycling Targets across Council estate through Waste Operations.  
  • Environmental Management System ISO14001
    • Council is accredited and audited annually.
  • In March 2023
    • Council started the implementation phase of its I4C Innovation & Cleantech Centre in Ballymena.
    • Building due to open in 2027
    • Designed to the BREEAM excellent standard or equivalent.
  • Domestic kerbside recycling collections continue to be delivered.
  • The pilot DRS is now complete with great success.
    • However, DAERA have opted for a ‘reverse vending machine’ model
    • Residents deposit drinks containers at retailer locations, opposed to using existing kerbside recycling collection.
  • Food Recycling Campaigns
  • Community Fridge Programme ongoing
  • Your Business is Food Project
    • This project is now complete.
  • Sustainable Food Places
    • Council now has a dedicated member of staff to deliver this programme.
    • Council is applying to achieve bronze status in 2023.
  • Herbicide Reduction Policy
    • This policy is still being implemented.
  • Contaminated Land Regime Pollution Prevention and Control Regime being implemented.
  • Waste Management Strategy NI development input ongoing.
  • MEA Environmental Performance and Carbon Footprint Report
    • This has been prepared annually and is available on the MEA website and staff intranet.
  • Manufacturing Task Force theme is CleanTech
    • Collaborative Growth Network set up to action sustainability plans within the network.
    • Funding from InvestNI secured and supporting this initiative.
  • Sustainable Procurement
    • The Procurement Team have reviewed their Procurement Policy
    • Now embedded sustainable practices throughout.
  • Blue Flag Programme
  • Grow Your Own programmes and workshops.
  • Schools Growing Clubs
  • Biodiversity University
  • MEA Forest School Programme
  • Educational tours in Waste Operations
  • Eco Schools Programme
  • MEA Connections Magazine publications all ongoing.
  • Development of Tourism Marketing Strategy ongoing.

UN SDG 13 – Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

  • Community Adaptation, Resilience Building and MEA Emergency Plans work ongoing annually.
  • MEA Environmental Policy
    • Council continues to implement this, Policy.
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Standards work ongoing.
  • MEA Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 2023-27
    • This has been developed with SMT and key officers.
    • Launched July 2023.
  • Climate Adaptation Plan
    • Council has developed this new Plan.
    • Sit as an appendix to the new Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 2023-27.
  • Carbon Woodland Programme
    • Council was successful is securing funding for two new Woodland Officers
    • Plant out a Carbon Woodland at Carnfunnock Country Park, Larne
    • Completed in April 2023.
  • MEA4Trees Programme
    • This is now complete, with 58,000 trees planted across the Council estate and partner landowner’s land.
  • Climate Change Sub-Committee regularly meet.
  • MEA Energy Policy
    • Effective energy management and trial of Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for effective recycling management.
  • Arts and Culture Section
    • Through the museum service delivered a volunteer based funded project ‘Cultivating Change’
    • Focused on Arthur Cottage which promoted grow your own skills.
    • Making use of leftover food
    • Highlighted the community fridge initiative at Eden allotment, Carrickfergus as part of a study trip.

UN SDG 14 – Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

  • 3 x Seaside Awards retained.
    • Ballygally, Brown’s Bay and Carnlough.
  • Classified Ramsar Sites.
    • SPAs (Special Protection Areas)
    • SACs (Special Areas of Conservation)
    • ASSI (Area of Specific Scientific Interest)
    • AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
    • NR (Nature Reserves)
    • ongoing protection through controlled Planning decisions.
  • Blue Flag Programme ongoing.
  • Installation of Sea Bins
    • Ongoing work, as and when needed.
  • Clean-Up Campaigns
    • ongoing throughout each year.
  • Health and Safety Plans
    • reviewed regularly by H&S team.
  • Household Recycling Centres (HRC)
  • Bring Centres & Recycling Facilities
    • ongoing provision to reduce litter entering marine environment.
  • Waste Management Strategy NI
    • Ongoing Council input into development of this strategy. 
  • KNIB Plastic Pledge
    • Council have pledged to reduce single use plastic across Council’s facilities.
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Standards
    • Ongoing delivery of annual objectives and targets.

UN SDG 15 – Life On Land - Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

  • MEA4Tree programme now complete.
  • Carbon Woodland programme work ongoing.
  • Local Development Plan 2030
    • Draft Plan Strategy launched October 2023.
  • Classified Ramsar Sites
    • SPAs (Special Protection Areas)
    • SACs (Special Areas of Conservation)
    • ASSI (Area of Specific Scientific Interest)
    • AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
    • NR (Nature Reserves)
    • ongoing protection through controlled Planning decisions.
  • Contaminated Land Regime work ongoing.  
  • Local Biodiversity Action Plan
    • An action plan, developed in 2014.
    • Highlights the local species and habitat.
    • Being refreshed in 2024.
  • Red Squirrel Scheme
    • This continues to be delivered in Carnfunnock Country Park, with great success.
  • Don’t’ Mow, Let is Grow Campaign
    • continues to be rolled out across MEA borough.
  • Eradication of non-native species in the Borough
    • QUB students are in the process of mapping out non-native species across the Council estate.

UN SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

  • MEA Policing & Community Safety Partnership Action Plan (2020 -21)
    • being updated for 2024/25.
  • MEA Good Relations Programme works ongoing.
  • National Fraud Initiative
    • The Local Government Auditor audits the accounts of the council.
  • The Comptroller and Auditor General
    • Responsible for carrying out data matching exercises under his powers in Articles 4A to 4G of the Audit and Accountability NI Order 2003
    • Council continues to be audited.
  • Annual Financial Reports
    • The Council publish annual Statement of Accounts
    • Provide an overview of expenditures.
    • Published annually.
  • Access to Information Policy & Data Protection Policy
    • Policies to ensure MEABC’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    • Data Protection Act 2018
    • Associated legislation/good practice to protect individuals regarding the processing of their personal data by Council.
    • Policy adhered to.
  • Equality Scheme and Disability Action Plan being delivered.

UN SDG 17 – Partnership for the Goals - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

  • Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership (MEALMP) work ongoing.
  • Ongoing Roll Out of Fibre Network (FFNI) Program.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing Team
    • Council continues to work with DfC and NIHE delivering programmes.
  • Blue Flag Programmes
    • projects with DAERA and WT are ongoing.
    • e.g., Glenarm Oyster Restoration Programme.
  • Partnerships within Waste Operations
    • Council is in ongoing project involvement with WRAP, Bryson, NWP and private sector companies.
  • Classified Ramsar Sites
    • SPAs (Special Protection Areas)
    • SACs (Special Areas of Conservation)
    • ASSI (Area of Specific Scientific Interest)
    • AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
    • NR (Nature Reserves)
    • sites are managed in partnership with DAERA.
  • Community Adaptation & Resilience Building
    • Council is working with Derry City and Strabane District Council to deliver a Community Resilience Toolkit to build on resilience capacity.
    • Toolkit ready in May 2023
  • Council continues to have four EPIG meetings annually.
  • Council continues to work within the RCRG group on adaptation and resilience.