Nature-based solutions

Climate Canopy Project

The Emergency Tree Fund is a Woodland Trust led funding opportunity which aims to support local authorities to increase woodland cover in the borough.

The aim of this fund is to establish and enhance woodland to help tackle both nature and climate crises.

The Woodland Trust’s ETF has the power to inspire tree planting and woodland creation and galvanise the need to treasure trees and green spaces in neighbourhoods across the UK. 

The legacy of this project will:-

  • increase the % cover of woodland           
  • improve the quality of the woodland
  • increase the carbon capture value of our woodlands
  • ripple impact on people involved
  • improved health and wellbeing

Community Fridges

Funded though Department for Communities Covid-19 Food Partnership, the project now has 4 fridges across our borough: Greenisland, Eden and Ballystrudder, Larne.

Managed by volunteer network and H&WB benefits – socialising, skill sharing, sense of purpose and connection contributing to wider community.

Estimate of environmental benefits: More recent figures demonstrate 223 tonnes of food collected and redistributed in the community, 598,000 meals distributed, and 712 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved.

This is another example of collaborative working with has involved people from retail, farming, allotment holders, volunteer groups and Council officers all coming together to find a solution to a worthwhile cause.

Not means tested, open to all.

Donations come from many different sources e.g. Allotments, Community Gardens, Farmers, Tesco, Asda, M&S, Henderson, Iceland, Vivo, Spar, Co op and many more.

Keeran Moss Restoration

Phase I of the Keeran Moss Peatland Restoration Project habitat enhancement works.

£90,000 funding secured from DAERAs Environment Challenge Fund to progress Phase II of the Keeran Moss Project, which is now finlased.

The site will be further managed for conservation.

Educational visits local schools, interest groups, Elected Members and community groups in Autumn 2023.

It is envisaged this will develop into a best practice site for Peatland Restoration and works will be carried out in partnership with RSPB.

The Natural Capital baseline will be used to measure how much carbon the site will capture once fully restored.