Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan 2024/25 Consultation Document

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Duty to Improve

Arrangements to secure continuous improvement

Proposed Improvement Objectives

Your Views


As the Interim Chief Executive of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, I would like to welcome you to our consultation on the Performance Improvement Plan for 2024/25.

As a Council, and as a community, we have all been affected by global events, from the pandemic, to record levels of inflation, and the cost-of-living crisis.

Value creation has never been more important for our citizens, and for us as an organisation.

To achieve this, and to guarantee our future sustainability, we are taking a closer look at what we do and how we do it. We want to ensure we are using all the resources available to us, in the most efficient and effective way possible.

These changes will not happen overnight, and while some actions will be more instantly achievable, they will be a key focus within our next Corporate Plan, which will take us up to the year 2028.

This consultation looks at our annual Improvement Plan and proposes three new objectives for your consideration.

These objectives support our longer-term ambitions, build on the findings of our Citizens’ Survey (2022), and can demonstrate improvement over the course of the next financial year, and beyond.

Our Improvement Plan is just one element of our wider arrangements to secure continuous improvement. And, whilst I ask you to consider the objectives outlined here, we welcome new ideas for improvement at any time.

I look forward to hearing from you, and to the year ahead, as we work together to create a better borough for all.

Valerie Watts

Interim Chief Executive

Our Vision

Mid and East Antrim will be a strong, vibrant, safe and inclusive community, where people work together to improve the quality of life for all.

Duty to Improve

The Local Government Act (NI) 2014 put in place a framework to support continuous improvement in the delivery of council services.

Under the Act, councils have a statutory duty to publish a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) by 30 June each year, which sets out one or more improvement objectives, and to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to achieve them. This is known as the Duty to Improve.

For us, improvement is not limited to gains in service output or efficiencies. It is about focusing on the issues that are important to our stakeholders, helping us achieve our vision of improving the quality of life for all.

Arrangements to secure continuous improvement

Our arrangements to secure continuous improvement are outlined within our Performance Management Framework, and are subject to an annual audit and assessment by the Northern Ireland Audit Office.

This framework defines our key plans and strategies, which take account of stakeholder interests, and link to the annual work plans of our employees, driving improvement at every level within our organisation.

We use a series of key performance indicators to monitor progress and use performance management software to support these arrangements.

Proposed Improvement Objectives

We have identified three key areas that we are proposing as the focus for improvement for the 2024/25 financial year.

These Improvement Objectives have been developed with reference to the legislation that governs our arrangements for continuous improvement, are reflective of the findings of our Citizen’s Survey (2022), and support our long-term goals.

The table below gives examples of the type of actions we could take to achieve our objectives, and are all subject to available finance and/or funding.

Improvement Objectives Potential Actions
1. We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.
  1. Foster local enterprise and economic growth.
  2. Support skills development and enhance employability.
  3. Explore ways to boost health and wellbeing.
  4. Consider ways to ease poverty.
  5. Promote an equal, diverse, inclusive, and accessible borough.
  6. Support people who are vulnerable, or who have a disability.
2. We will maintain and improve our local areas.
  1. Enhance our amenities, open spaces and playparks.
  2. Nurture community-led tourism.
  3. Help bolster our town centres.
  4. Deliver an effective and efficient planning service
3. We will reduce our environmental impact and contribute to the sustainability of the borough.
  1. Move towards cleaner energy and reduce our consumption.
  2. Reach environmental standards and targets.
  3. Deliver an effective and efficient Waste Management service.
  4. Support biodiversity.
  5. Share learning and best practice.

Your Views

Please let us know what you think of our proposed objectives. You can complete the survey online through the Survey Monkey website.

Data Protection

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is collecting your personal information as part of the consultation exercise on our Performance Improvement Plan 2024-2025. We will keep your information secure, accurate, and for no longer than is necessary in accordance with data protection laws. If you wish to find out more about how we control and process your personal data and protect your privacy, please visit our Privacy Notice page.