Strategic Theme 4: Good Health and Wellbeing
Strategic Theme 4: Good Health and Wellbeing
Our strategic objectives were:
- To deliver a coordinated partnership approach to improve the physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of our citizens.
- To ensure our citizens and visitors have accessible and inclusive Council facilities.
- To enable vulnerable groups within our borough to be active, respected and supported in their community.
- To encourage our staff to use the resources and tools available to improve and maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing.
At the end of the year:
- 73% of our measures were achieved.
- 18% were delayed but progressing.
- 9% were not achieved.
Our performance is explained in the pages that follow.
Action 1 |
Support our citizens to lead healthy and active lives by increasing our offering of physical activity sessions and support schemes across the borough. |
Measure 1 |
Launch the MEAqua Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2025, including delivery of first year actions by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
Delivery of the MEAqua Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2025 is underway, with significant progress made in its first year. Key accomplishments include:
The programme has seen tremendous growth, with participation more than doubling since September 2021, now boasting 296 classes and 2,075 participants per week. The implementation of the strategy will continue as part of the Council’s Performance Improvement Plan for 2024/25. |
Measure 2 |
Deliver the MEActive programme by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
We offered 1,389 sessions, including activities such as dodgeball, basketball, pilates, danderball, boccia, pickleball, and walking netball. Out of the 10,157 participants who joined these sessions, 5,675 were women and girls. We also provided inclusive opportunities for 3,484 individuals living with a disability or lifelong illness. The programme has been supported by 474 different groups. |
Measure 3 |
Continue to support the delivery of the Move More programme by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
In collaboration with Macmillan Cancer Support, our Move More programme offers a free tailored programme to help individuals suffering from cancer to get and stay active at a level that is right for them. 1,809 individuals were offered opportunities to participate, and we delivered 418 classes. |
Measure 4 |
Continue to support the delivery of the GP Referral Scheme by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
Delivered in partnership with the Public Health Agency, PARS is a 12-week prescribed physical activity programme. The scheme received 227 referrals, of which 64 are active. Of those approved for participation, 52 completed it. |
Action 2 |
Develop an Age-Friendly Action Plan to ensure our older citizens feel supported and included within their local communities. |
Measure 1 |
Establishment of an MEA Age-Friendly Alliance by 30 December 2023. |
Status: Achieved |
The MEA Age-Friendly Alliance has been established, with the first meeting held in November 2023 and the second in January 2024. |
Measure 2 |
Development of an MEA Age-Friendly Action Plan by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Delayed but progressing
A public consultation on the draft plan took place from 5 April to 31 May 2024. A workshop was held in June to analyse feedback, with subsequent amendments made following a meeting in July. The launch of the plan is now scheduled for October 2024, to coincide with Positive Ageing Month. The project continues within the Council’s Performance Improvement Plan for 2024/25. |
Action 3 |
Develop a borough-wide Landlord Forum to encourage the provision of quality housing. |
Measure 1 |
Development of a borough-wide Landlord Forum by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved
The Landlord Forum, featuring representatives from the Landlord Association (NI) and the Chartered Institute of Housing is now fully established. Arrangements for the Mid and East Antrim Landlord Forum to act as a subgroup of the Landlord Association (NI) are now in place. The Council will step back from its leadership role but will continue to provide appropriate support to the Forum, and will review this within 12 months. We will also continue to engage with community-led initiatives with the aim of achieving sustainable environmental improvements. |
Action 4 |
Encourage the use of outdoor spaces for health and wellbeing, through the delivery of our Outdoor Recreation strategy. |
Measure 1 |
Deliver at least 3 outdoor recreation programmes by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
The Natural Connections Photography initiative provided teenagers with the opportunity to connect with nature, and each other, through a series of workshops, culminating in a presentation of their work at Carrick Town Hall. The Healthy Oceans Healthy Minds campaign, a collaboration with Live Here Love Here, included 6 sessions over 3 weeks with activities such as Beach Babbies, Rockpool Safari, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Pollution Art, and Seaweed Tasting. The Plot to Plate programme was also successfully delivered, focusing on sustainable food practices from cultivation to consumption. |
Measure 2 |
Support at least 60 participants in citizen focused health and wellbeing programmes by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
Between April 2023 and March 2024, 194 people took part in citizen focused health and wellbeing programmes. |
Action 5 |
Ensure we continue to provide reliable, value for money services to our citizens by focusing on the health and wellbeing of our employees, and through the management of employee attendance. |
Measure 1 |
Ensure absence levels do not exceed 14 days per annum, per full-time equivalent, by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Not achieved |
A final absence rate of 16.46 days per full time equivalent was recorded, which although an improvement on last year, did not meet the target set. The high rate has been influenced by ongoing difficulties in accessing medical consultations and treatments, leading to extended periods of absence for many employees. Unfortunately, there has also been a significant increase in the diagnosis of severe health issues among staff. A scrutiny review of absenteeism is currently being conducted by our Audit and Scrutiny Committee. |
Measure 2 |
Deliver at least 2 health and wellbeing initiatives for staff by 31 March 2024. |
Status: Achieved
We have delivered several initiatives aimed at supporting the mental health and wellbeing of staff. These included Health and Wellbeing Week, Be Kind to Your Mind and Stress Awareness and Management. We also enhanced support through the StayWell Hub, which provides staff with access to mental health support and free training. |