Previous Year’s Improvement Objectives

Previous Year’s Improvement Objectives

While most of our previous objectives are complete, some were not achieved in the year in which they related.

An update is provided below.

Objective 1: Encourage people to value our natural environment through the promotion of the Green Dog Walkers Scheme.

Outcome 1

A cleaner borough.

Measure 1

A reduction in the number of residents perceiving dog foul to be an issue in our local areas.


Not achieved

Our Citizens’ Survey (2022) indicated an increase in people perceiving dog foul to be an issue within their local environment (11% in 2018 versus 42% in 2022).

The 2022 survey was conducted in a post-pandemic environment, which may have affected results. During this time, there was a substantial increase in local outdoor activity as people stayed close to home and worked from home. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that pet ownership increased during this time, with a significant proportion of individuals obtaining a dog having never owned one before. Access to dog training services and peer support was also reduced throughout the pandemic.

We continue to encourage responsible pet ownership, and seek to influence behavioural change through the Green Dog Walkers Scheme, which is integrated into everyday practices and is at the core of our communications.

While updates will no longer be reported through the Performance Improvement Plan, dog foul complaints will be monitored and reported to the relevant committee every six months.

Objective 2: Improving customer engagement and service delivery by enhancing the Council’s use of information technology.

Outcome 1

The continued implementation of the Council’s Agile Framework, through the delivery of a number of citizen-focused projects.

Measure 1

Measure 2

The redesign of the Council’s website developed from user experience feedback (phase 3).

The expansion of the automated customer call system into an additional service area.

Status: Stopped


The Council is in the process of designing and implementing significant change to operate more effectively and efficiently. One element of this transformational work includes a technology review across the organisation. The website redesign and expansion of the automated customer call system are not being progressed at present and will form part of the wider review.

Objective 3: The development of Sullatober Household Recycling Centre

Outcome 1

A larger site with improved infrastructure and accessibility to maximise re-use and recycling.

Measure 1

A 6,500m2 site by 31 March 2022.




The new and improved household recycling centre opened in May 2022. The more user-friendly site enables more efficient waste disposal, quicker traffic throughput and less congestion. The area has since benefited from additional investment, including the upgrading of surrounding roads and the development of new business units.

Measure 2

Increase the recycling rate by 23.2% by 31 March 2023.


Not achieved

The recycling rate for April to December 2023 was 65.8%, an increase of 2.5% (1.6 percentage points) from the 2018 baseline year (64.2%). While we continue to encourage recycling through the provision of modern facilities and environmental education programmes, recycling remains at the public’s discretion. As a result, it is not anticipated the original 23.2% target can be achieved. This measure will no longer be reported through the Performance Improvement Plan.

The level of domestic and commercial waste, recycling, street cleanliness and fly tipping etc., will be reported to the Council’s Environment and Economy Committee each quarter, and the statutory waste indicators, will continue to be reported within the Performance Improvement Plan for 2024/25.

Measure 3

1,046 additional tonnes of recycled materials by 31 March 2023.


Not achieved

There were 235.6 additional tonnes of recycled materials from April to December 2023 (+8.4%) compared with the same period in 2018 (baseline year). Although improvements continue to be made to our recycling operations, after due consideration, it is not anticipated that the original target can be achieved.

This measure will no longer be reported through the Performance Improvement Plan.

Measure 4

12 additional tonnes of re-used materials by 31 March 2023.




There were 30.53 additional tonnes of re-used materials from April to December 2023 compared with the same period in 2018 (baseline year).

Examples of types of re-used materials include additional waste electronic and electrical equipment, furniture and bric-a-brac, and textiles and footwear. Improvements continue to be made to the segregation and management of materials for re-use.



Outcome 2

Financial savings by compacting waste and reduction in fuel consumption.

Measure 1

Measure 2

50% reduction in containers hauled per newly compacted material by 31 March 2023.

Reduce tCO2e by 800 by 31 March 2023.




A significant number of shifting variables make it impossible to provide a reliable comparison between the 2018/19 baseline year, and the 2023/24 financial year, as follows:

  • Waste collection, management and methods of disposal differ due to legislative changes, and contrasting practices at the disposal sites used by the Council.
  • The Council has made substantial investments in more fuel-efficient and carbon-efficient equipment and vehicles.
  • Changes in working practices throughout 2022/23 have resulted in operational efficiencies i.e. greater optimisation of vehicles, with waste operators now servicing multiple sites.
  • The number of households in the borough increased from 57,158 in 2018/19 to 58,776 in 2022/23 (+2.83%).
  • The amount of waste arisings in the borough has also increased, with almost 1,000 additional tonnes of waste from April to December 2023, compared with the same period in 2018.
  • As other councils have introduced waste control measures to limit the amount of waste being disposed of from outside their respective council areas, ‘Waste Tourism’ significantly increased, particularly within the Carrickfergus area, with measures to address this being investigated.

As a result, these two measures are deemed stopped and will not be reported in the Performance Improvement Plan for 2024/25.

Improvements will continue to be made to the effectiveness and efficiency of our waste operations, in line with changing legislation and environmental targets.



Outcome 3

A more effective and efficient service with increased customer satisfaction and value for money for ratepayers.

Measure 1

Increased rate of customer satisfaction.

Status: Achieved

Surveys conducted in 2021 and 2022 indicate an increase in customer satisfaction for accessibility, movement around the site, and sufficient site size.

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