Statutory Key Performance Indicators
Statutory Key Performance Indicators
The Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 sets out statutory indicators and standards for each local council.
The Department for the Economy, the Department for Infrastructure, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs collate this information, and publish the results.
We also publish this information on our Performance Improvement Plan section on this website.
Statutory indicators and standards 2023/24
The Department for Communities set statutory targets for councils in the areas of Planning, Economic Development and Waste Management. These are outlined in our annual business plans and as far as possible, within our Improvement Objectives.
We also set our own internal targets to ensure continuous improvement within these areas. Our results for the period April 2023 to March 2024, are summarised below.
Indicator: The average processing time of major planning applications
Target: A maximum of 30 weeks. |
Year-end result: 67.4 weeks. |
Status: Not achieved. |
Indicator: The average processing time of local planning applications
Target: A maximum of 15 weeks. |
Year-end result: 9.4 weeks. |
Status: Achieved. |
Indicator: The percentage of enforcement cases concluded within 39 weeks
Target: A minimum of 70%. |
Year-end result: 87.3%. |
Status: Achieved. |
Indicator: The number of jobs promoted through business start interventions
Target: A minimum of 85 jobs.
Year-end result: 103 jobs.
(66 through the Go for It programme, and 37 through Go Succeed). |
Status: Achieved. |
Indicator: The percentage of household waste collected by district councils that is sent for recycling
Target: A minimum of 50%. |
Year-end result: 50.7% |
Status: Achieved. |
Indicator: The amount of biodegradable Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste that is landfilled
Target: A maximum of 16,387 tonnes. |
Year-end result: 15,239 tonnes |
Status: Achieved. |
Indicator: The amount (tonnage) of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste Arisings
Target: A maximum of 75,797 tonnes. (The Department for Communities requires that each council sets and monitors its own individual target for this indicator annually). |
Year-end result: 74,842 tonnes |
Status: Achieved. |
The following pages analyse each of these indicators in greater detail.