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Policing and Community Safety Partnership

PCSP Action Plan 2021-22

Approved by PCSP 27 January 2021

(An PDF version of this page can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.)

1.0 Introduction to the Mid and East Antrim PCSP Action Plan 2021-22

1.1 Developing the Mid and East Antrim PCSP 2021-22 Action Plan

The Mid and East Antrim PCSP Action Plan 2021-22 is aligned with “Putting People First” (PPF) the Mid and East Antrim community plan.

It has been developed in line with the three Strategic Objectives of the Joint Committee.

The link between both is outlined below:

  • SO1: To form and successfully deliver the functions of the PCSP for the area
  • SO2: To improve community safety by tackling crime and anti-social behaviour
    • PPF - Vulnerable People - Reducing personal vulnerability, by understanding and dealing with the root causes
    • PPF - Vulnerable Places - To create places where citizens and agencies work together to develop vibrant, safe, and cohesive communities
    • PPF - Those most at risk of creating crime - There is a multi-agency approach to the identification of and engagement with those most at risk of creating crime
  • SO3: To improve community confidence in the police
    • PPF - Those most at risk of creating crime - as above

1.2 Turning the Curve:

Between December and February 2020-21 the PCSP undertook an assessment of policing and community safety in the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council area.

This exercise was undertaken to ensure that the priorities identified continue to reflect priority policing and community safety issues in the area and was informed by analysis of information provided by statutory partners, as well as the results of ongoing borough wide engagement.

The exercise included a “Turning the Curve” workshop on 16th December.

The 2021-22 MEA PCSP Action Plan has taken account of all the necessary local and regional strategic documents as required in the guidance.

2.0: The Mid and East Antrim PCSP 2021-22 Projects

2.1: Changes to the 2021-22 Action Plan

As a result of the Turning the Curve Exercise the following changes were agreed by the PCSP:

  • To be more strategic and focused in the themes
  • To continue to be proactive and joined up with other initiatives with a focus on adding value and encourage collaboration and partnership working with others, more collaborative gain focused.
  • To be DEA focused.
    To have a developmental focus for DEA officers with budget to support local initiatives across key themes.
    Self-delivery by staff per DEA and centrally (where best delivered across all DEAs) and where capacity is lower.
  • To have a focus on early intervention and prevention in line with Putting People First.
  • To maximise the use of natural, built and social assets in the Mid and East Antrim Area to deliver the programme.
  • To continue a new approach to commissioning.
    Developing larger collaborative projects which could be led by a lead agent.
    A partner/agent who has the necessary skills to deliver, and also the capacity to work with local partners who are key to successful delivery but who may not have the individual capacity to manage a large project.
    These larger more strategic projects will be procured following the development of a robust Terms of Reference linked closely to the PCSP Strategic Priorities and the anticipated outcomes.
  • Continued outcomes based reporting framework for all projects with the inclusion also of DEA information enabling even more strategic and needs based planning in future.

The following themes and projects have been identified as a local priority:

PPF Link
To form and successfully deliver the Form & deliver the functions of the PCSP for the area
All SO1 Theme 1
PCSP Meetings
  • Facilitate Private PCSP Meetings
  • Facilitate Theme Based Meetings
SO1 Theme 2
Action Plan Delivery &
Review for a new Three
Year Strategy for Mid
and East Antrim PCSP
  • Deliver activity in accordance with 21/22 Action Plan and utilise DEA structure to maximise impact
  • Review 2021-22 Action Plan
  • Conduct a TTC exercise
  • Develop 2022-23 Action Plan
  • Involve Partnership Members and key partners
    through co-design process 
SO1 Theme 3
  • Coordinated PCSP communication
  • Undertake training and induction of new members
  • Attend events to promote awareness of PCSP
  • Purchase promotional items to promote awareness of PCSP
To improve community safety by tacking crime and anti-social behaviour
SO2 Theme 1
Domestic Abuse &
Sexual Crime
  • Provision of a Domestic Abuse Support Programme to provide worker support, equipment, emergency response and safe places for victims of domestic abuse.
  • Support men experiencing domestic abuse and/or sexual violence.
  • Raise awareness of domestic violence and service available
  • Support provision of counselling
SO2 Theme 2
Addressing Hate
Crime and Fear of
  • Procure and deliver a range of services to address hate including bilingual advocacy services and awareness raising and hate crime prevention sessions.
  • Deliver services through contract to reduce fear of crime in older people including Good Morning Calls, Handyman Services and contribute to the existing Mid and East Antrim Ageing Well Initiative.
  • On-going delivery of the Support Hub, meeting 6 times a year as a dedicated cross-agency group with a focus on delivering support through emerging issues of vulnerability and identification of those most at risk.
SO2 Theme 3
Addressing Anti-
Social Behaviour
  • Deliver an Early Intervention & Diversionary based Youth Work Project
  • Promote project to hotspot areas across all DEAs
  • Including seasonal interventions and diversionary activities
  • Continue, under contract, to deliver the Community Safety Warden Scheme
  • Deploy Wardens to hotspot areas to deter against ASB
  • Engaging with local communities and support the needs of local residents and businesses.
  • Utilise this resource allocation to respond to emerging local issues.
  • Utilise the DEA Officers contacts at grassroots level to promote and encourage participation in PCSP activities
  • Deliver responsive, early intervention and diversionary and programmes in relation to PCSP theme.
SO2 Theme 4
Small Grant
  • Deliver small grants scheme which addresses crime, fear of crime and ASB issues as identified in the action plan.
  • Animate local areas to develop and deliver collaborative projects on PCSP theme-based issues
most at
risk of
SO2 Theme 5
Addressing Drugs
and Alcohol
  • Develop an awareness raising campaign and capacity building programme to highlight the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse and offer support to groups engaged in addressing drug and alcohol related activities. React to and deliver initiatives with PSNI and other statutory partners. Facilitate local support services and rapid bins support.
  • Develop and procure a Drug and Alcohol Support Programme to deliver drug and alcohol support services to vulnerable people.
SO2 Theme 6
  • Graffiti removal programme in the area and work collaboratively with others on the effects of Paramilitarism on vulnerable people and communities and its contributory role in crime, fear of crime and ASB and confidence in policing in the Mid and East Antrim area
To improve community confidence in the police
most at
risk of
SO3 Theme 1
Monitoring local
police performance
  • Facilitate Policing Committee private meetings,
  • Facilitate one Public Policing Committee Meeting
SO3 Theme 2
Engagement (with
  • Promote & Deliver Neighbourhood Watch
  • Promote & Deliver Farmwatch
  • Promote & Deliver Text Alerts
SO3 Theme 3
Confidence (in
  • Speed Indication Devices Programme
  • CCTV Project
  • Education and awareness raising activities