Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Photograph of some egg boxes broken on the ground

Environmental Health are responsible for the provision of a range of services which are designed to maintain and improve the quality of the environment and to protect public health and safety.

Community Resilience Consumer Protection
Environmental Health Fees Food Safety
Health and Safety Housing
Noise Pest Control
Tobacco Control High Hedges
WISE Enforcement Avian Influenza
Product Safety Environmental Health Fees
Report a problem to Environmental Health  

Report a problem to Environmental Health

Submit a report using the Reportable app:

Download the Reportable App for Android devices

Download the Reportable App for OS (Apple) devices


Alternatively use our online form to report incidents of pollution and/or fly-tipping.

Dumping or burning waste where it's not allowed, or allowing others to do so, is a criminal offence.

Find out more about waste crime and how you can report it on NIDirect.