Learning and Education

Larne Museum & Arts Centre provides a variety of educational services.
We also run events specifically tailored to schools.
For more details or to book into one of our programmes please give us a call on T: 028 2826 2443 or E: marian.kelso@midandeastantrim.gov.uk.
An interactive education programme designed by staff at Larne Museum & Arts Centre.
The famine programme uses props, drama and team work to allow pupils to investigate the choices that families faced during the famine of 1845.
Larne Museum & Arts Centre currently offers a variety of Victorian learning experiences.
Handling Sessions.
Come to the museum and let your class (under the watchful eye of trained museum personnel) handle and learn about real Victorian artefacts from Larne, including clothing, household and school room items.
This session can be fitted into a half hour session or can be a longer session to create a more lasting Victorian experience.
Call us for more details.
Viking Loan Box
The Viking Loan Box is now available.
£30 for seven days which includes a £10 refundable deposit.
Handling sessions.
These can be carried out in the museum, come and learn about the Vikings, their daily lives including food, gods, ships, weapons, clothes, crafts and much more.
World War 2 Loan Box
The World War 2 Loan Box is now available.
£30 for seven days which includes a £10 refundable deposit.