Can I book a Council owned park?

Our parks and open spaces in Mid and East Antrim are clean, safe, welcoming and full of character – a fantastic resource should you wish to hold an event on site.
All events now need an application form to be completed and charges will be applied to all applications, as agreed by Council, effective from the 1 April 2017.
To book any park or open space please complete an event application form (PDF 229KB) and send completed application forms along with any accompanying scanned documents to E: at least 4 weeks in advance of the event.
Please note:
- Memorials and/or Commemorations are not classed as an event and has a separate application form which is also available below.
This application form should be sent to the contact details as per above. - Council has a ban on balloon and sky lantern releases.
They litter the environment, causing death to wildlife and in the case of sky lanterns, can cause uncontrollable fires that destroy life and property. - Having taken advice from our insurers, Council can no longer facilitate requests for tables, chairs, stages, gazebos, barriers and similar items for third party events.
- A charge will be applied to all applications.
- Please read our Memorials & Commemorations Policy framework prior to submitting an application.
Event Charges
An invoice will be issued to the event organisers for the applicable bond and site fee, these must be paid prior to the event taking place.
Refundable Bond
In addition to the site fee, a refundable bond is required to ensure any damage caused as a result of the event occurring can be resolved.
A site inspection will take place after the event, providing there is no damage to the site the bond will be refunded to the event organiser.
Scale of charges in relation to events
Capacity |
Category |
Application Fees |
5,000+ |
Major Event (Tier 1) |
Cost decided on consideration of application |
2,000 – 4,999 |
Large Scale Event (Tier 2) |
Cost decided on consideration of application |
1,000 - 2,000 |
Medium-scale Event (tier 3) |
£500 + VAT |
100 - 1,000 |
Small-scale Event (Tier 4) |
£250 + VAT |
Less than 100 | Local Event using small section of site with no closure and no facilities | £10 per hour |
Special Rate | Local Community, Charity, Youth or Education | No fee |
Where the event being booked is a ticketed concert, additional charges may apply.
* The Mayor’s Charity is exempt from this fee.
Payments should be made online using the secure Payments Service on the GOV.UK website
- Event Application Form, Pricing and Booking Policy (pdf 229 KB)
- Application Form for Memorials or Commemorations (doc 62 KB)
- Event Management Plan Template (pdf 149 KB)
- Outdoor Events - Terms and Conditions (pdf 93 KB)