Bin Collections: Bins not collected due to the icy conditions should be left presented for collection and our teams will try to collect them as soon as possible.
Details of missed collections are published on our Bin Collection Disruption page.

Parks and Open Spaces

Volunteering in your local green space

Our ‘Friends Of’ groups complete a wide range of tasks such as nest box building, tree planting, river cleans, invasive species removal and wildflower planting. 

Our ‘Friends Of’ groups are a great opportunity to get outside in the fresh air, meet likeminded people and learn new skills, all the while protecting and improving your local green space.

There are currently 'Friends of' groups meeting at:

Bashfordsland Wood & Oakfield Glen, Carrickfergus:
Meeting every second Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm.

Ecos Nature Park, Ballymena:
Meeting every third Saturday of every month from 11am to 1pm.

There are also a wide range of ‘in bloom’ groups, wildlife groups, and town/village improvement groups in the Borough, we would be happy to put you in touch with your nearest group.
