Building Control Service

Street Naming/Postal Numbering

Photograph of a house number with the house in the background

Postal naming and numbering is undertaken in accordance with Article 11 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order (NI) 1995.

This empowers Council to determine the name by which a new street or road is to be known.

In accordance with the legislation a new name must be expressed in English and may, in addition, be expressed in a language other than English.

We can also allocate numbers to the properties on a particular road or street.

Please note:

Councils are not responsible for road signs or markings.

Maintenance of road signs (eg: stop signs, direction signs, distance signs etc) and markings on the public road is the responsibility of the Department of Infrastructure Roads (DfI Roads).

You can report an issue faded, damaged or missing road signs and markings online.

Councils ARE responsible for street name signs.

The installation and replacement of street name signs is carried out by Council.

You can report a missing or damaged street name sign by emailing Building Control at:

How is an application made?

A developer or his agent should submit a written request for a name(s) for a new street/road together with a layout plan of the proposed development.

A proposed name(s) should not be displayed on site unless and until the Council has approved the name(s).

What happens when an application is made?

We will consider the proposal and report to the Council’s Committee.

The Committee if satisfied that the proposed name(s) is satisfactory and in accordance with the approved Policy will approve the name.

If the Committee is not satisfied the applicant may be requested to submit an alternative name(s) for consideration.

We will also consider the proposed postal numbering scheme.

The Committees decision is then forwarded to full Council for ratification.

Only when ratified by full Council will the name be considered approved.

What happens when a name is approved?

We will notify the applicant accordingly and at the same time confirm a suitable numbering layout.

We will also notify a number of other bodies including the Post Office, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service and Land & Property Services.

Road nameplates are erected throughout the district by the Council’s Operational Services Department.

Street naming and Numbering of New Single Site Developments

Postal numbering of individual properties forms part of the Building Control Application process and will be dealt with during the construction of the property