Road Closures for Special Events

Are you thinking of organising an event on a public road?
The Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 provide powers to local Councils to prohibit or restrict the use of public roads for the purpose of holding special events on them with the consent of the Department for Infrastructure Roads (DfI).
The legislation requires that Council must first be satisfied there are no suitable off road venues for the proposed event.
This may include green/grassed areas or local community/activity centres etc.
Where suitable off road alternatives are available, then Council must refuse the application.
At the early planning stages for an event, a risk assessment must be undertaken by an event organiser to first determine whether a road closure or restriction will be necessary.
What type of events may require a road closure order
Special events are defined as:
- Any sporting event, social event or entertainment which is held on a public road; or
- The making of a film on a public road.
Examples of possible ‘special events’ could include:
- Fun runs/marathons etc;
- Street parties;
- Concerts;
- Social events.
What events on roads are exempt from requiring a road closure order
There are a number of activities which are not "special events" for the purposes of this legislation.
These are:
- Public Processions
- Motor Road Races
- Cycle Races or Trials
Please read our 'Guidance for applying for a Road Closure Order for Special Events' information.
You must submit a road closure application form and relevant supporting information at the earliest opportunity and normally no later than 12 weeks prior to when the special event is due to take place.
Once application has been made, the Council will undertake public notification by advertising on the Council website. Allowing a 21 day period for written representations to be submitted.
We will also consult with various statutory bodies including DfI Roads, PSNI, the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS), NI Ambulance Service and Translink.
If there are objections to your proposal the Council will consider if the road closure order can be granted or not.
Traffic Management
When making an application for a road closure for a special event, you must have traffic management plans and signing schedules prepared by an accredited traffic management company, in line with guidance from the Department for Infrastructure (DfI).
The Guidance Notes for Promoters of Events which has been produced by the Department for Infrastructure gives full details of what is included in the legislation.
You should also engage the services of a traffic management company / contractor who is authorised by DfI to provide and place temporary road signage on a public road.
Details of accredited companies who can provide traffic management plans and services for available on the Department for Infrastructure's website.
Applicants should note that although the legislation provides the power to prohibit or restrict the use of a public road, pedestrian access to any premises situated on or adjacent to the road must be maintained at all times.
There are certain costs and charges associated with the road closure process and it is important that if you are considering organising an event that you contact the Council before making any arrangements so that we can help you through the process.
Application fees may also apply:
Applicant |
Fee |
Community Groups/ Not for Profit organisations |
No fee |
Statutory organisations |
£460 |
Commercial/ business organisations |
£460 |
Contact us
If you have any questions relating to these new arrangements then please do not hesitate to contact us on:
T: 028 2826 2498
Licensing Section
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Market Yard
Station Road
BT40 3AA
- Road Closure Application Form (pdf 736 KB)