Arrival and Departure

Your arrival is welcome from 1pm onwards.
Access to the site will not be permitted until payment has been received in full.
Campers are requested to retain their booking form for inspection at any time.
Only persons and pets declared on the form will be accommodated.
Except by prior arrangement, we will not have space if you arrive early.
For additional details please read the Information and Regulations webpage.
On payment caravanners will receive a code for access to the amenity block.
Special restrictions on arrival times may apply during events.
Entering and Exiting the Caravan Park
For your comfort and convenience the vehicle gate is electronically operated.
Drivers arriving at the main gate should key in their access number.
The gates will then open.
Drivers must not proceed through the gate until it is fully open and has come to a complete stop.
On entering the park drivers must not stop until their vehicle and caravan are completely clear of the gate area.
When leaving the park the gates will automatically open.
Again drivers must not proceed through the gate until it is open and has come to a complete stop.
As this is a shared entrance and exit gate, drivers must remain alert to possible oncoming traffic.
Vehicles entering the park have priority over exiting vehicles.
Parents please note: As these gates may open at any time, in the interest of safety, children must not be allowed to play in the gate area.
The Peak Campsite
A dedicated car park for campers cars is located adjacent to the tent area.
Drivers must stop at the marked lines before proceeding through the gate or onto the entrance laneway and give way to pedestrians crossing the zebra crossing.
As access involves crossing a pedestrian path extra vigilance is required.
Late Arrivals
Campers intending arriving after 5.30pm must notify staff when booking so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
All sites must be vacated by 12noon on the day of departure.
If you wish to depart later than this time please contact staff to check whether a later departure can be arranged.
This is normally not possible during bank holiday periods or from June to August.
- Caravan park and campsite layout (pdf 2 MB)